My big fat greek wedding

So I recently found out that there is going to be a My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 and it makes me happy. For your convenience:

When the first one came out, I couldn't believe how much it was like my family. My Nona was still alive and it was something we all quite enjoyed when my father and I watched it together. We asked Nona to say Bundt cake and she said "Butt cake?" And it was hilarious!

If you seen the movie you know her father asked her when she was going to get married and told her she was starting to get old at about 15. I had something like that once with my father, although not as extreme. At age 20 I hadn't had a boyfriend in a very long time and one day when we were on our way to my hockey game that Sunday my dad asked me "Rina, when are you going to get a boyfriend?" and it was so like that movie I couldn't help but make fun of him.


  1. I worked at the movie theatre in Thousand Oaks when that movie was released. I have seen it so many times! It was always nice to watch such a large family get together for a happy occasion ... and then drive each other crazy! LoL


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