The Day to Day Sad Blessings

I think about my dad all the time. Donovan sees a picture of him on his wall everyday and can point out his Papoo. I have a voicemail from my dad on my phone that we listened to this morning. Donovan misses him too, but his complete innocence of the understanding of the situation is a sad happiness. He'll always know who is Papoo was and what his voice even sounds like thanks to technology and me not keeping up to date on deleting my voicemails. Sad blessings. It is still hard to be thankful for these little things on the day to day when there is still the overwhelming sadness and longing to hold my Daddy. Things I will be so glad for later.

Anytime anything interesting happens in my life, I want to call him. And then there is the twinge of sadness that comes right after with the realization that I can't.

Everything that I like in my life, almost coincides with things I did with my dad. Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Star Wars, Hockey, Reading. It's all things that remind me of him.

The best parts of myself, I inherited from him. My empathy, pragmatism, frugality, comfortableness in my eccentricities... These are sad blessings.


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