Greenhouse Academy (Spoilers)

So I think about my dad all the time of course. Recently I had a dream about my dad. So spoiler alert, I was watching this show on Netflix called Greenhouse Academy. It is a terrible awful show but I couldn't not watch it. Anyway at the very beginning the two kids watch as their mother takes off in a space shuttle and the thing explodes with her assumed unexpected death. Later on, and here's the spoiler, they find out she actually was able to eject, but has been hidden in an induced comatose state because of a crazy earthquake conspiracy. So in the finale when the family is all reunited, I dreamt about my dad that night. These are still my favorite dreams. I was also pissed in the dream because everyone had lied to me about him being dead. But I got to hug him and it always FEELS like a real hug from him, so for that I am grateful.

Things I wish I could tell him or for him to see:

  • Donovan can roller blade (not so great yet, but he doesn't have to hold my hand on an even surface. He probably would have bought Donovan a whole hockey gear set after this)
  • Other shows we would watch "together" from afar: The Magicians, Once Upon a Time (wouldn't be canceled if he was alive, I am sure of it), Krypton.
  • My mom cut her hair and I dyed mine red. He was always interested in our fashion.
  • The daily motivational struggles of being a third year resident. 
  • Planning Donovan's 4th birthday
  • Everything all the time
  • Donovan loves him and still remembers him


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